I have had a rough week---and I know that I have a couple more rough weeks ahead. The month of March is always busy for me, but this March----well, it seems like there is way too much more going on for me. I am STRESSED! No other word to describe what is going on. Brian and I both have huge projects due for work on the 31st---we're moving the 29th---Emily isn't sleeping well--which means we aren't sleeping well---which might explain the above statement that I am emotional....
So, this morning, we sang "Blessed be Your Name." For some reason, I got completely choked up when we got to the chorus---"Every blessing you pour out, I'll turn back to praise. When the darkness closes in Lord, still I will say---Blessed be the name of the Lord, blessed be Your Name." Have you ever felt like maybe you take for granted the blessings that God has poured out? I think it is easier for me to remind him of the things he hasn't done for me than remembering the things he has done---why is that? I don't know why my eyes were finally opened up to that this morning, but they were!
The second time I lost it this morning, was during communion. Matthew 11:28 was up on the screen, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Being that I wrote a blog this morning at 5 something complaining about being tired, I couldn't help but feel encouraged at that moment. I can't explain it---but I know that God wanted to bless me this morning---and because of that---I am grateful. I hope you can be encouraged too!