Saturday, December 20, 2008

I miss her.

I know the quality of this picture isn't great---blurry and all, but I just love the happiness that is exuding from little E in this picture.  We celebrated Oliver's 1st birthday (Pirate theme--please take note that we pulled out the "surrender the booby" shirt for one more adventure.   Ironic since that was the first day of no nursing.) a few weeks back and this picture was taken after the party had ended and so had their naps!  Emily's hair is crazy and Oliver still has a sleepy look, but they were happy and content playing.  

I found myself jealous of other people's kids today.  We have to run tons of errands for our Christmas with Brian's family and Emily is just not in the best of moods.  She becomes a total bear when she is teething. I can see the little white molar underneath the gum.  Every single store we went to of us had to walk out of with her because of her gifted lungs.  I got lots of looks from parents (as if their child had never thrown a tantrum) and also saw lots of sleeping angels with other parents.  So, I guess I was reminiscing of the days of quiet, happy Emily and found this pic.  


VikingMom said...

Rough days always comes when you don't want them, last a little bit longer than they should, but thankfully fade much faster than the good ones. Tamila had days just like Emily. (Envision if you will a tall kindergartener throwing a temper tantrum face down on the floor in line at Target.) As hard as it was to deal with her at that age it was worth it. As if by magic, that strong willed stubborn cranky child turned into a strong willed stubborn child who usually stands up for the right things! (Note, the loss of cranky. It still comes and goes, but thankfully the temper tantrums are a thing of the past.)

What I'm saying is this: these things will pass and you all be stronger for it. I just can't guarantee that the process won't exhaust you though!

Take care and enjoy your cruise next week!

Kristi said...

Oh that is a super cute pic. I still think Emily is one of the best babies ever!!!

I did learn a cute idea in MOPS. The guy said to make a sign that says "TANTRUM IN PROGRESS" and just hold it up when your kid starts making a scene... (that's if you don't want to give into the tantrum.) I don't know how well that would work for a little one though...

Another suggestion was for the parent to get on the floor on throw a tantrum too - then your kid will start staring at you, think you are crazy, and stop. Yeah, I passed on that one. But it would be fun to see you do! :o)

Linda said...

You poor thing. Let me tell you, Charlotte is definitely going to be experiencing these types of things. Her little teeth are so stubborn. Not one in sight...but her little moods are slowly peering through. So hang in there. Any educated parent would know, "She must be teething" when they see Emily upset. :) However, loved the idea of the Tantrum in Progress sign---the folks around would definitely get a laugh out of it.

meg said...

ok I had to laugh because I have been there too. Those looks could be coming from moms who just don't understand because their little one has not been blessed with powerful lungs. I didn't understand till I got my sweet little girl who could out cry her brother in volume any day. Just today she scared the poor little birds outside that we were looking at through a closed door. Hopefully your happy little one will be smiling again soon.