Monday, May 31, 2010

quick update

I have not been good about taking pictures lately. I feel like life is in turbo speed. I have no idea how the day gets away from me as fast as it does. I guess it's just what is to be expected with working full-time and raising two kids.

It's a bummer that I don't have pictures to recall all the moments that happen throughout the day, but I also love actually being a part of the moment instead of looking through a lens. We had a great day today at Disneyland. We got there when the park opened and stayed for nine hours! Emily said hello to Mickey, rode some rides and played in the water play area. I think the highlight of my day was watching her play in the water area. She started out so timid and shy, but then all of a sudden she was jumping through the shooting water. She was squealing in delight. I realize reading about it doesn't sound like much, but to me it shows progression and it reminds just how much she changes every day.

I'm pretty sure Kinley is either going through a growth spurt or teething. She was doing really well with her sleep and her attitude, but all of a sudden she started the irritability streak again. She's waking a couple times a night again and is always chomping on her fingers in her mouth. However, when she's in a good mood....she's in a GOOD mood. She'll smile at you until you can't help but feel like everything in life is perfect.

1 comment:

Lyn said...

I'm so glad you're writing these things down for later days/months/years when the memories aren't as clear as they are today. I'm so proud of these sweet little girls (and their mommy & daddy)!