Wednesday, December 31, 2008

First day on the Spirit

Our embarkation day was not at all what I had pictured in my head.  It was very wet and rainy.  We had a blanket over the stroller to keep Emily dry---good thing we did, the blanket was DRIPPING with water by the time we got inside.  Brian didn't have any type of jacket with him and since the wind was blowing the rain directly in our direction, we bought ponchos.  This is now our second set of ponchos.  We better have some with us the next time we might need them!  Instead of getting right onto the ship, you have to go through a holding boat first.  Thankfully it was covered so Emily got to run around.  She walked right up to a group of kids and played with them until their zone number was called.  We were zone 3, so we didn't have to wait too long to be called.  


Kristi said...

Brian looks HOT in his poncho. And Emily looks SO GROWN UP! Wow.

Lyn said...

Isn't that little Emily a cutie!! Thanks for the post and the pictures. Can't wait to hear more about your trip. Happy New Year!