Monday, May 4, 2009

Moms...if you are out there...HELP ME!!!

I desperately need some food ideas or feeding tips for Emily.  This girl used to eat EVERYTHING and now she is so picky I might start pulling out one hair per tantrum....pretty sure I'll be bald by the end of the week.  

Current Emily approved foods:
Cereal Bars
Anything with "cracker" in the name
Grilled Cheese
Green Beans (if she is in an okay mood)
Sweet potatoes
Dry Cereal (don't even think about putting milk in it)

Current "Are you kidding me by putting that on my plate thinking I will like it" Emily foods:

Any kind of meat other than tofu (used to LOVE chicken, ham, turkey)
Any kind of Pasta
All fruits except for the previously mentioned ones

I know her "like" list seems somewhat long, but we have to guess what mood she'll be in when its time to eat.  Some of the approved items are not so approved if we put it on her plate.  I really need help on this....anyone have any good tips---I don't want to have to do the deceptively delicious thing, but I might just have to.


Anonymous said...

You are not alone! I have three little boys and we're going through that stage with our 2 year old now. The best advice I was given is to keep putting those "are you kidding me I'll never touch that" foods in front of them. Don't give up! Just keep putting them in front of her at each meal, along with a few other things you know she'll eat. Don't worry if she doesn't touch some of those things for weeks or even months, still don't give up (even though it feels like a waste). One day, she'll surprise you and start eating them again. Our seven year old eats anything now, and he went through that picky eating stage too. Good luck!! Emily is such a cutie!!!!!

hbmommy said...

I wouldn't worry too son, Kaleb is sooooo picky. His likes and dislikes change with the wind. At one point, all he would he were hot dogs and peaches. Now he refuses both! Just keep offering her a variety, and when she is hungry she will eat (at least that's what our ped. told us!). Good luck!

Anonymous said...

LOL , , , It is not about the food as much as it is who is in control. Your friends advice is right on the mark. Oh, I could tell you stories about your husband. It will get better, after it changes a few more times.

Luv Ya, Jerry

Brazenlilly said...

I echo what the others have said and also say...don't stress too much about it. If she's getting food, she's not in any danger of malnutrition! She's not quite old enough to do the "this is what's for dinner, so if you don't eat this you don't get anything else." Maybe just put 2 options on her plate and hope that sooner or later she'll go back to her love of regular meat! I really do think it is a phase--at least these particular tastes are a phase...soon she'll switch lists on ya!

Becky said...

I have been reading this site lately... and here are some articles written by parents of picky eaters with their tips.

Linda said...

What about scrambled eggs and cheese with some ham mixed in? You might be able to sneak it in. Eggs and cheese will at least give you that protein bit she needs. If that doesn't work---don't give up. I'm way frustrated day after day at the unpredictability of feeding time but it is what it is.

discomommy said...

At this stage I started incorporating my children into making the meals. They helped in the kitchen (yes, at her age!) and I made a big deal about what they were doing, how good it would taste and how proud I was of them! They got so excited about what we were cooking together that they were equally excited to taste it! It takes more time, makes more mess, but it is great bonding time and it helped them have a little bit of control in their lives.

Kristi said...

if she likes things with "Cracker" in the name...can you just start calling everything a cracker?

a brocoli cracker?
spinach cracker?
squash cracker?

i'm sorry it's tough right now. Lexi has always eating different than Haley and sometimes I thinks she's not getting enough...but she obviously is. She's growing, healthy, and strong...Just like Ems.

You'll get through it!!

Love u.

Kristi said...

scrambled eggs with cheese?