Thursday, October 15, 2009

I love you, Kinley

Emily was super snuggly with me and Brian last night.  She has said "I love you" for quite awhile now, but it's typically said at night after we have put her in bed and are about to close the door.  We always say "I love you Emily" and she responds with "I love you."  Well, yesterday afternoon and evening Emily was telling us she loved us constantly and would even follow it up with a hug.  She'll say "hold you" when she wants us to hold her or she'll say, "hugs" when she wants a hug.  She did plenty of that last night too. 

Brian and I share the responsibility of putting Emily to bed....we split it up every other night so that she doesn't expect us both to be there every night.  We each have our own routines with her.  My routine lately has been centered around singing songs and talking to the "baby in mommy's belly."  She still doesn't quite understand the idea that there is an actual baby in my belly, but she's definitely noticing that my stomach is getting bigger.  This past week I've had to put Emily down more often because of Brian's schedule so we've had a lot of tummy time together.  She pats it every night and even says, "hi baby!"  

Last night after our song and prayer time Emily gave me a big hug and told me she loved me.  I told her that I loved her back.  I asked her if she loved "baby" and she said yes.  I asked her if she would tell the baby that she loved her.  (It was at that moment that I just about lost it.)  Emily put her tiny, sweet hands on my belly, leaned in and said, "I love you, Kinley."  


Don said...

Oh, my! Yep, that's a realllly good reason to "lose it." How sweet is that. She's gonna be a great big sister.

Lyn said...

Oh, that is just toooooo sweet! She is just so precious.

Tabatha said...

Tears coming sweet!

Brazenlilly said...

How adorable! So, that's the baby's name?! I loooooove it. Can't wait to see the first pics of the 2 girls together.

Lyonslove said...

Those kids sure know how to get you! What a beautiful name! I love it. I think it only gets better. I love how Tanner is a big brother now.

The Marshall Fam said...

SO sweet! She's going to be a great big sister!

Emily said...

So sweet!