Sunday, March 16, 2008

I just thought I would share...

I am not a morning person.  It isn't that I like to sleep in late, but I would like to sleep past 4.  My daughter loves the mornings.  She wakes us up every morning around 3---we give her her pacifier, which usually buys us time until a little after 4.  She will then sleep on an off for about an hour, but let's face it---once she makes that peep after 4, Brian and I are up.  I guess it isn't all bad, we do get some chores done---i.e.---laundry at 5---never thought I would be doing that.  Why is 4 so bad?  Well, I have to be at work at 7:00--if she slept until 5, I could deal, but at this point, I think I am running on fumes.  So, if you see me and I look like I just rolled out of bed---I did.


Kristi said...

dude - i think you look good. it's amazing how we can roll with 2 hours of sleep.

Alicia said...

4am! Isn't it still dark out at that time?
Just think...when she's 15 all she'll want to do is sleep in and you'll be pulling HER out of bed!
Until then, Hang in there.

Brazenlilly said...

Oh, I totally emphathize. Carson has NEVER been a good sleeper. Hang in there! It does get a little bit better, I promise.