Tuesday, March 4, 2008

like no other

I am tired.  There is absolutely no other way to describe how I feel.  All last week I was struggling with the craziest dizzy sensation I have ever experienced.  Perhaps it was my own fault for making a joke that I was pregnant on the blog---I felt pregnant all over again, but WAY worse.  It seemed as though I was on a treadmill/cruise ship/merry go round all at the same time.  I even had to leave work one day---praying that I would make it home safely.  I was scared to even hold Emily for fear of dropping her.  I started going to a chiropractor on Friday and slowly but surely I am finally feeling some relief.  

I never knew how exhausting it could be working full time and being a "full-time" mom after work.  It feels like it never ends and I know that this is just the beginning.  Emily still isn't sleeping through the night---or at least my definition of sleeping through the night.  She goes at least 5 hours, but often 6 hours and once and a while she will go 8 hours.  I literally have less than an hour in a day to do something for me---which usually means sitting on the couch with a bowl of ice cream....yeah, that will make the remaining prego pounds melt off!  ha!  

Okay, this may sound like a pity party post---it isn't meant to be.  It is meant for me to proclaim that in the midst of my extreme exhaustion, I am so in love with this little girl.  She has truly stolen my heart.  I can't go 5 minutes without thinking of her and getting some goofy little smirk on my face.  Her big open mouth smile brings so much joy, her funny little bubble/spitting makes me smile, her flailing arms and kicking legs make me chuckle and her too tired to do anything but lay on my chest makes me melt.  This love--it is like no other. 


Lyn said...

So, so sweet. . .

Linda said...

I can't wait for my little girl to arrive. I already love her so much and to read your blog makes me so excited because I can't even imagine how much more I'll love her when she's here!

Alicia said...

Wow, what scary feelings you're having. I hope the chiropractor is continuing to make it all better.

As far as Emily, she's adorable and you're right, there is no other love like it!

Hang in there--the older she gets the more sleep you get and things will become a little easier.

Kristi said...

Oh, you are too sweet. It's fun to read you talk about Emily like that. :o)

Hang in there with the no sleep thing...It makes it even harder when you can't drink caffeine huh? Ah, but it is a glorious day when you are back on the wagon...or off the wagon...oh, whatever...when you can drink caffeine again! :o)

Heidi said...

Being a mom is such an amazing thing. I'm really glad that you get to experience it. It's crazy when you discover a whole new level of love that you didn't even know existed before...