Saturday, November 22, 2008

I am Free

So, last night was the Night of Worship at church.  I have to be honest and say that although I did pray every day for the evening, I never really focused entirely on the night.  I was not feeling well at all the majority of the week---having the scare of Strep/Mono certainly didn't help.  I found myself praying for health (for myself and all the other team members) more than the actual impact the night could have on others.  (that's sad to admit)

My co-worker was overwhelmed with things that she needed to complete before the weekend so she asked if I could fill in for her at a scholarship luncheon.  I sat at a table with 8 other women that I have never met before.  We were having the awkward small chat conversations.  The lady next to me bugged me.  She didn't want to sit at our table and even asked if she could sit with her friends at another table, but the "leader" at our table told her that the seats were somewhat assigned.  Usually when someone "bugs" me, I don't feel like giving much effort, after all, when would I really see this person again?  I felt a nudging on my heart to talk to, I started up a chat with her about how long she has been in her position etc...she gave me her answer and included that she also did the same kind of work in China.  I asked her if she knew one of my friends that lived in China but she said no; however, by asking her that question, it opened up more conversation.  Long story short, she told me that she was a Missionary there.  Her family has a hard time with that because she was raised Jewish.  She didn't really announce that to the rest of the table; she almost whispered it to me, so I don't think people knew that we were really talking.  One of the other ladies started asking her SEVERAL questions and I was concerned that I wouldn't have a chance to talk to her see, I could tell that she was really struggling with something.  Finally, I got my chance and I invited her to the Night of Worship.  I was expecting to see this look of shock from her, but she was so touched that I invited her to it.  There were many more details to our conversation, but I know that long blogs often get skipped so I'll get to the point.....

I started praying.....not for the vocalists voices, but for my new "friend."  I prayed that she would come and that God would open up her to his promises.  I asked her to come and say hello afterward, but I never saw her.  I was sad that I didn't see her, but I realize that I have at least planted a seed.  She did tell me that she had other plans, but that she would try to change them....maybe she'll come on a weekend.  I don't know.  It was an important lesson for me though.  There is so much to our journey with Christ than one Night of Worship.  I had a wonderful night worshipping God with members of our church and community....I just need to remember that everyday can be a day full of worship and to look for opportunities to reach out to friends as well as strangers.  

The video below is another video of Emily walking and dancing---I was listening to music to get ready for the NOW--so she is dancing to "I am Free."


Sarah B. said...

What a real story....that has been my new prayer...for me to hear God instead of focusing on what I think he wants but it is so hard. Last night was great!! No one ever would have known that a hand full of you were sick through out the week. I am sure you are drained today though...but we all appreciate it. And Emily is adorable, I love how she dances on command.

Heidi said...

Great post Jen...

And I love the new pic - beautiful!

Diane Davis said...

the new picture is so beautiful!!!

nice post... and just so you know, i read every word, even when they are long winded. so write on! :)

Missarrie said...

What a story; I am sure you gave this lady just the encouragement she needed. Thank you for sharing your story and giving us the encouragement to focus on others not ourselves.

In case your "blog followers" don't know:

I have the cutest granddaughter!