Thursday, March 11, 2010

Breastfeeding Sucks


Okay, so I am a huge fan of nursing. In fact, I nursed for the first year of my first child's life. I think the benefits to nursing far outweigh all of the things I don't enjoy about it, but for therapeutic purposes, I felt I needed to write out my thoughts on the subject.

I have a couple of friends that formula feed their child full-time and I gotta tell you, it looks pretty amazing. I mean, the moms can get out of the house easily to get their hair done or plan dates for themselves to get some adult time. The dads can help out in the middle of the night or help when you are sick. When you are nursing, there is no rest for the weary. (I'm sick and weary as I write this, so I apologize now for that kind of tone.)

Here are some common questions that I have spinning in my head:
1.) If breastfeeding is "best" for the baby---providing the essential nutrients etc.. why is it so hard for mom/baby to get established?
2.) Why does breast milk not stay in the baby's system as long as formula does? (I know the answer to this, I just wish it stayed in their system better.)
3.) Why is it different at every feeding? One breast, both breasts etc.
4.) Pumping is not fun. I'm pumping in the evenings so Brian can feed her once. Last night I got 4 oz, tonight I got 2 oz. I'm assuming the big difference is because I am sick, but seriously, why does there have to be that added stress on the mom?
5.) Latching---sometimes it's perfect and sometimes she takes a good 5 minutes to latch (doesn't have that problem with the bottle)
6.) With Emily it took about 3 months before I felt like we had a great rhythm going, why so long?

I'm sure I have more, but right now I'm just thinking about not getting enough milk and having to supplement with formula. ugh.


Jessica, Mike, Jake, and Brooke said...

hi, i look at your blog off the franz's sometimes. congratulations on the new addition! i agree breast feeding is hard in the beginning, but formula is expensive, and sterilizing bottles all day is a pain too! there is no rest for a new mommy, especially a mom of two! one thing that worked well for me was "mother's milk" drops in the blue glass bottle. the liquid is way better than fenugreek caplets. (you can get it at any health food type store)hang in there, your hormones can get the best of you, along with the exhaustion!!! you're doing a great job! remember do what's best for you AND your new baby... if you choose to use formula you are still a good mom! i'll say a prayer for you tonight!

jessica - emily's almost babysitter

Brazenlilly said...

Jen, I totally agree with everything you said! With both my kids, I had a hell of a time for at least 2 months. Wanted to give up many, many times. I don't have any answers to your questions, just wanted to commiserate and tell you that you are not alone, it will get better. It does not come naturally to every child or every mom, but I was 2 for 2 as far as getting the hang of it after the misery.

Only one thing...have you thought about pumping in the morning? Even after you feed Kinley you might get more milk than pumping in the evening. My lac consultant told me that's when you have the most milk.

I'll be praying for you! And also, if you choose to quit, we'll support you! But I think YOU would be hardest on yourself.

Becky said...

I had a hard time. I stopped at 6 months. I was sad about that. Stopping made me feel like I could leave the house b/c he ate every 2 hours and I couldn't keep up that pace. I used a breast sheild - it's a perfect latch everytime and saves your nipple. There's no shame in formula. You gotta do what's best for you both. Happy mom, happy baby and vice versa.

Judi said...

Hi Jenn...these early days can be tough! Lack of sleep, wanting to be thin and feel like yourself again, feeling like all you do is feed and change diapers...i'm keeping you and your family in my prayers

i remembered the la leche league this morning...someone will actually walk you through the difficulties of nursing...very helpful people


Anonymous said...

Jen, I agree it is so hard to do it all! I just wanted to say that my first was easy and I made it to almost a year! Teeth made me stop! My second I only made it to 3 months, and I blamed myself. I had the hardest time. No supply and HATED pumping at work for a few ounces. I had to go to Formula, and he is fine! My third, I was lucky enough to have it easy! I made it to about 9 months. He wasn't interested anymore and cried for his bottle! All this to just say every child is different and don't be too hard on yourself! You are an awesome Mom, that I am sure!


you are just the greatest! so honest, & open...i love it. you nursed emily for a whole year! you are a champion. you will get a groove with little kinley i just know it. i was a freakazoid with ella with nursing & stopped @ 7 mo. (mostly so i could get preggers again), but ella was much harder than savannah. savannah (6 mo. tomorrow) is doing so good, i'm thinking of going much longer with her. i think with # 2 you need to let yourself relax a bit more. don't worry so much about the "babywise" mentality & just get to know kinley & her needs. i'm not as panicked with savannah & just have done a little more of the on demand (which will produce the more milk that you need)...also, if the pumping is wearing you out, don't do it for awhile...i'm not pumping this time around, at all. i know you may need to as you approach work, but maybe just wait awhile longer. the point of brian being able to take a feeding is a good one, but if it's stressing you out, it's not worth it. love you! hang in there momma! you're doing GREAT!

Erin said...

I'm still nursing, but I have been amazed, both times, at how complicated it is. My latest issue has been an early teether. I feel you girl (but not as much as Kinsley ;-)

Erin said...

...that would be KINLEY (stupid fingers)