Thursday, June 26, 2008

5 new entries!!!!

My husband says I overblogged. I guess I had a lot of catching up to do.  


Lyn said...

I enjoyed your stories and pictures. I'm glad you found time to write and to post the pics.

Diane Davis said...

no such thing as over blogging! i agree with your mom, the stories and pictures are great. i especially love the family shot at her bday. and the one where it looks like emily is being pushed REALLY high on the swing and of course the one where she is crying. She really looks like she is growing in these pictures. Good job, blogger. :)

Don said...

HaHa . . . tell Brian, "Bah-humbug"

The blogs are great...I got TWO shots yesterday...Yellow Fever and Typhoid immunizations. Couldn't move my right arm very much last night (typhoid arm). When the YF serum went in my veins my whole arm started burning. My first thought--"I can't win a stupid $50 drawing with 25 people present, but I'm gonna be the 1 in 250,000 with a major reaction to the YF vaccine. (Fortunately it settled down a few hours later.)

My point: Shots are no fun--even when the shot itself doesn't hurt. Although I don't hate shots per se, I usually dread the after-effects. So, I "feel your pain." As to "muffin top" I'm more like Ricky & Fred's rice explosion.

Don said...

And the pics...terrific. The ones with Emily and Brian are so neat. He should frame them for work. At least for the console at church.

Luke is quite the little man...he and Emily look like the "little couple." Cute.

Missarrie said...

I agree with you dad! "Bah-Humbug" to Brian; I so enjoy the entries; especially the pictures! Thank you so much for the updates.

Anonymous said...

I don't think so !!!!
Sally and I really appreciate getting the updates. It is great to see you both, and of course we always want to see Emily and how she is changing. We are missing sooo much, thanks for keeping us updated. Jerry