Thursday, June 26, 2008

sometimes I am just plain awkward

So, today was a "fun" day and by fun I mean not so much fun.  I had to go to the Ears, Nose and Throat doctor because I have been having nosebleeds for the past year and a half.  For those of you who really know me, know that I HATE shots.  I mean, just typing the word shots makes me a little nervous.  I thought I was there for a check up, but I didn't know that I would have to get a cauterization done.  The nurse came in and had me sign some more forms and got me ready for the procedure, including putting some sticky pad on my back that tells the doctor if he is about to hit something he shouldn't.  She sprayed something in my nose to help numb it.   
The doctor comes back in with a shot of some more numbing medicine.  A SHOT!!!!  He sees the panic in my eyes and tells me just to close them and he'll talk me through it.  I do as I am told and then all of a sudden, my 29 year old self turns into a child.  It started burning and I got all light headed and instead of saying "stop" like he asked.  I do short little squeals as though I am acting like Emily.  He obviously got the message and stopped, but I was feeling silly.  (It is the strangest thing to be numb in your nose, back of your throat and tongue.) The doctor leaves the room and comes back to do the procedure and finds a pale faced patient.  (Yes, more pale than I already am.)  He was concerned and helped me get some candy out of my purse before proceeding with the procedure.  He started panicking that I was diabetic, but no, just needed some sugar for my low blood pressure.  
Before he started the procedure, he asked me if I had any metal in my body or implants.  He says the word implants and it reminds me that I am a breast feeding mother and I hope that the stuff he just injected in my nose wouldn't affect my milk---so I very awkwardly bring up the fact that I don't have implants, but I did have a concern about the numbing medicine.  It was just awkward.  
 To top it all off....he was the one to take off the sticky pad on my back.  Yep, he got a little muffin top surprise.  Here's the problem.  He was a really young guy and from what I could tell he wasn't married, so I am assuming that he has no idea how pregnancy can change your entire body.....yay for muffin tops!  

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Yeah that doesn't sound fun at all!! A shot in your nose...yikes!! So did they find out what was wrong?